Prepare yourselves.... for a post that raves about nothing, but my favourite food; Pizza. And not "just" pizza. But the best, darn pizza in all of New York City. For only 99c, you can purchase a slice which is equivalent to 1/3 of an Australian Pizza Hut pizza. Or $8, you can get a whole pie (and it comes in a box, so big, that I could hardly carry). And all of their soft drinks are 99c too!
Do you know that phrase, "don't judge a book by its cover"? Well, that phrase should be applied to this place. It looks shabbier than a cardboard box, especially for a fast food restaurant. And it's only cash-only too. But don't let that stop you. Seriously. This is the best freaking pizza I've ever had (and I've been to Europe already). New York City has pizza downpat.
Why do you have so many photos of pizza, Taylah? (You may ask). Probably because it was the one thing that I ate most in America. I spent my very last morning in New York, eating a slice right under the Chrysler Building (my favourite building in NY), as pictured. Could I have asked for anything more? The answer is no.